Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sample Sockstravaganza!

Wintery greetings!

I finally managed to knit up some sample socks out of my hand dyed "Rock 'em Sock 'em" colorways, and I'm really pleased with how they turned out.

Here's "Beauregarde" knitted in Cookie A's Cubist pattern:


And this other pair is knit by my mother out of the colorway "Dandy Lion"

The pattern is Butterfly Socks by Wendy D. Johnson, from her book: "Socks from the Toe Up"

Hooray! I'm really pleased with how they came out, for some of my first attempts at dyeing sock yarn professionally. No weird pool-patterns (Although sometimes those can turn out surprisingly gorgeous.) or problems, and really nice to work with.

So anyways, happy holiday knitting, and enjoy the downtime!

(Let the making of fibery New Years resolutions begin... I think one of mine is going to be to post more of my projects on Ravelry.)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hello Again

I didn't mean to go six months without updating! Oh sweet yarny blogosphere, how very long it's been.

I was forced to graduate and get a "real person" job, which all in all, kind of rocks.
But, you can now find Drama Llama Knitting Company on Ravelry. (So if you've knit anything with Drama Llama yarns, please let me know, I'd love to see the finished product!)

So since it's been a long time, here's what I've been up to:

Hand-dyed Romney by Spunky Eclectic
Handspun by me.

Two Ashford merino-silk rovings spun into singles and plyed with a cinnamon romney-alpaca mix.

Spun from dye-soppers purchased at "Knotty By Nature" in Victoria, BC

Close Up.

Merino - Hand-dyed and Hand-spun

Local Alpaca from Vancouver Island carded with Silk Noil and plyed with East Freisan Lamb

Hand-dyed and Handspun! 100% Wool

100% Alpaca grown and hand-dyed from Little Patch Alpacas. So delightfully soft.

And some that I've yet to put up in the shop.

I've also dyed a line of ice-cream inspired sock yarn that should be available (perhaps locally) in the New Year. Here's a taste:

As for the future, there's a whole lot going on. I'll be working on my first three regular color lines in 100% wool.

I've also got a large amount of mohair, alpaca, angora, and cotswald that I can't wait to spin!
I've been making christmas presents like crazy, so hopefully in January I'll be spinning up a storm.

In the meantime, here's a hot tip. This iconic Vancouver veggerie is the inspiration for one of my new colorways: